According to the latest diet_vs_death research, nuts are good. On the heels of the PREDIMED strudy (AKA Mediterranean diet study) that showed reduced mortality in subject who would tank themselves up with olive oil and had increased nut intake (30 g a day) comes another nutty study (1). This study looked at nut consumption of about 118,000 people over 30 years (by analyzing results from Nurses' Health Study [76,000 women] the Health Professionals Follow-up Study [42,000 men] cohorts). There was significant reduction in mortality associated with nut consumption. Those who ate nuts 7 and more times per week had 20% less rate of death compared to nut abstainers.
What about the weight gain? Does not appear to be associated with nut consumption. Actually, several studies referenced in the NEJM paper showed reduced waist circumference.
So... go nuts.
What about the weight gain? Does not appear to be associated with nut consumption. Actually, several studies referenced in the NEJM paper showed reduced waist circumference.
So... go nuts.